It includes fiber distributed data interface ( FDDI ), distributed queue dualbus ( DQDB ), Manhattan street networks ( MSN ), dual Manhattan street networks ( HR  ̄4 - Net ) and ShuffleNet.
包括光纤分布式数据接口 ( FDDI ), 分布式队列双总线 ( DQDB ), 曼哈顿街道网络 ( MSN ), 双向曼哈顿网络 ( HR~4 - Net ) 和全穿梭交换网络(ShuffleNet).
互联网OLEDs have an electrical signaling and data interface similar to that of TFT LCD panels.
OLED的 电子时序发生器和数据接口与TFTLCD平板类似.
互联网This paper has discussed the optimization inquiry technology about database and data interface technology.
互联网User can also visit data resources of server, easily share and exchange network data interface controller.
用户还可以使用该信息终端浏览服务器数据资源 、 实现便捷的以太网数据共享和交换.
互联网Using data interface network configuration module, graphic configuration module and monitoring module could work collectively.
通过数据接口,网络组态模块 、 图元组态模块和主控模块之间可以协同工作.
互联网Data Interface BPC and Data Interface Material drops have been increased.
互联网P 2 PStockdrv stock data interface software for stock analysts docking experiments.
互联网The data interface is also electrically connected to the balance housing ( ground ).
数据接口同样与电子天平壳体 ( 地 ) 连接.
互联网The inner normative data interface simplifies the later upgrade and maintenance of the system.
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